Do you need a new printer or a multifunctional one?
Ask about our print & scan solutions and discover what you can save now and in the future.
Scan, copy & print at unprecedented speeds
Forget the standard printer solutions, we provide fast scanning solutions that are suitable for fast and efficient digitization. We offer scanning solutions for up to 280 originals Recto-Verso (in 1 movement) PER MINUTE!
Analysis & Optimization of your printer or multifunctional
Are you quite satisfied with your current supplier? We understand that. But what if we can offer you cost savings by optimizing your devices? Exon ICT Group will take over your current contract for free, even with cashback where possible. You send us your current contract or a recent invoice, we will contact you with a concrete proposal.
Save on your printing costs
Don’t waste time ordering ink yourself, figuring out how to repair or replace your printer. Together we first analyze your needs. Afterward, we propose an affordable and more efficient solution.
Efficient printing, scanning, and copying without worries?
Who can offer you an all-in-one service within 8 hours, including toners, maintenance, and repairs. Toners almost empty? Particle almost in need of replacement? Don’t worry, we manage your printer fleet from A to Z.

Do you already have an ongoing contract? We analyze and take over your contract completely!
Contact us